If your child is planning a trip to Wilderness Ranch, we want you to have the information you need to rest easy while he or she is away. There are many activities at camp in which your child may be participating. Whether they are challenged while hiking, rock climbing or simply sitting around a fire with friends, their safety is a top concern for us, while minimizing risk as much as possible.

What to Bring:

High-quality gear is provided by Wilderness Ranch.​ This includes backpacks, sleeping bags, ensolite pads, rain flies and everything your child will need to be safe and have the best experience possible!

Personal clothing​ (base layer, mid layer, outer layer) and proper socks/footwear are ​ all your child needs to bring to Wilderness Ranch.

On footwear: For backpacking trips, your camper will be hiking with heavy packs and will need quality backpacking footwear that provides good ankle support. New footwear is more likely to cause blisters and must be properly fit and broken in to reduce the chance of blisters and sore feet, which is the most common first aid need on the trail. Your local outdoor retailer can help.

For adventure camp trips, there is hiking but without the heavy pack.

On Cotton:​ When cotton gets wet, it takes much longer to dry than synthetic and wool fabrics, leading to severe discomfort and an inability to keep your camper warm in the outdoor elements. We encourage our campers not to bring any cotton ​ clothing when possible.

Please review our downloadable and printable packing list for a detailed list of what to bring.

It is not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on clothing - most items on the list (if not all) can be borrowed.


Young Life and Wilderness Ranch maintain the highest level of safety and standards possible in operation of all of our activities at camp. But with all outdoor adventure activities, there are inherent risks involved that must be understood.

New for 2024! Parents, please read and sign the 2024 Parent/Guardian Guide to Wilderness Ranch.

Each trip is led by two experienced guides who have extensive training in mountaineering, orienteering, relationship building, first-aid and high altitude medicine.

Guides carry Wilderness First Aid certification through the NOLS Wilderness Medicine. At Wilderness Ranch, the guides are with their group from arrival until departure. ​ In the event of an unexpected incident, there is always a qualified medical professional on call to tend to your child's needs, and we have a great relationship with local search and rescue organizations.

Wilderness Ranch is in a remote part of Colorado and communication between basecamp and trail trips is sometimes difficult. We do equip guides with communication devices (i.e. radios, satellite phones, GPS units) in order to maintain communication with basecamp during the week as often is as reasonably possible.

Health and Conditioning

The Wilderness Ranch experiences of backpacking and adventure camping have been designed for success for any teenager in average health. If your child has any special condition, (allergies, etc.) please be sure to note all of that information on the Young Life Health Form. It is Colorado law that we have a completed health form and Colorado Certificate of Immunization​ on file. These will help us provide the best care possible in the unlikely event of an emergency. If there are additional health needs or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the office (summer: 719-658-2288; school season: 719-867-3622).

Our guides are certified in medicinal administration and will take possession of and dispense all medications, whether over the counter or prescription. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their child has an adequate supply of needed medications, in their original containers, for the entire duration of this trip.

We provide wholesome, healthy food​ specifically designed to properly nourish the body in relation to wilderness hiking and adventures. All food for adventure trips is prepared at Wilderness Ranch base camp by our kitchen staff prior to going out on the adventures. Typically this starts a week before your trip. Therefore, if there is a food allergy or special diet to be considered, please make sure Wilderness Ranch is aware of the food allergy at least 10 days before arriving at camp.


Contacting Your Child


Summer: 719-658-2288



Summer Camp Address:

2000 Forest Service Road #521
Creede, CO 81130

Office Hours

Summer Hours (May to Aug.):

8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ​ ​ ​ ​ Every Day

School Year Hours:

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ​ ​ ​ ​ Monday through Friday ​

Contact Us:

Contact Us:

If you want to sign up for a camp trip, please contact the organizer of the trip. For Young Life trips, use our locator to find your local website.

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